Sadly Miss X left today, happily, its her last big business trip for a while! I should be seeing a lot more of her soon.
Today I was in the middle of a business meeting when she informed me that she had ust had wonderful experience with her well hng jack off buddy. She enjoyed letting me know that the new bed we bought was broken in by a guy who has a real cock she actually enjoys.
While my sub-standard cock is fun to punish, frustrate, hurt and twist, it has no real sexual value, other than to excite so that I mindless follow her orders. Her J/O artist came hard across her ample bust, which she always enjoys. A lusty manly undertaking I never get. He also got the fun of using her brand new fancy didlo on her..the dildo I of course proudly purchased with my hrd earned money.
When I got home, the cum rag was laying like a trophy and the dildo on the bed....for me to ponder and groan over....and long list of demand for me to accoomplish before she comes home.
In the meantime, I am feeling blue because several months ago I broke Miss X's trust and its one of those things for which I am deeply remorseful . But it doesn't just fix itself. Its like a recurring illness that won't go away. It goes into remission, then comes roaring back.This site is mostly for entertinament, but its also honest. The ony thing that will fix the issue is time, luck and honest communciation between us and the truth is, even that may not work. The prospect of living without her is not fun, but it is a reality of which I am acutely aware and until tht's resovled, there will be no true happiness...
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