So the games begin again, as were delve into our lucious life of proud depravity.
Miss X decided that Halloween would be spent on Captiol Hill in Seattle. For thsoe outside teh area, Ciaptol Hill is a progressive energeti area of town, know for its gay population, but just a fun place for all and always read for a party!
The streets were packed with party goers in all kinds of sexy and creative costumes. Miss X wore a wonderful dominatrix unfirom.. Practical, not silly or cartooish, that included a crop and whip on a her belt. I was forced to wear a humilalting t-shirt that said "Cuckold in Training". I was also in a collar and jeans and pig nose.
My shirt got a lot of questions. There a lot of people who don't know what a cuckold is and it made for a lot of humiliating conversation. Miss X was all too happy to explain to anyone who asked that I had an unstaisfactory tiny cock and that I was relegated to being her sexless he-bitch. Women and gay men found this especially hialrious and the pity from flamers was particualrly humialiating for me. My shirt engendered laughter, pity, ridcule and a hot young twenties something gal who made the little finger wiggle at me after whispering with Miss X.
As the night went on we ended up at Via Tribulani, a nifty Italian resaturant. We had a few drinks at the tightly packed bar and made some quick friendships. A good looking young and fairly intoxicated man dressed as some sort of warrior with fake blood and a tattered shirt that showed his muscular torso, began chatting up Miss X.
When I came back from the men's rooms, Miss X was in one of the tall backed boothes with the guy I'll call Sparticus. They were in engrossed in close chit chat and I stood stupidly at the bar, catching glimpses of them in the mirror. My angle was poor but I knew they were kisssing and imagined some under table groping.
Affer half an hour of anticiaption, agony, and curiostiy, Miss X tapped me on the shoulder and asked for the car keys "While you wait here, I am going to give this hot young guy the blow job you can only dream of". I was told to pay Spatricus' bill. While Miss ZX was arapping her talented lips around his cock in my car, I was paying his bar tab.
I waited at the bar for almost an hour, and when Miss X returned she smiled and gave me a long open mouthed kiss, and she whispred "Do you like the taste of cum?" She then grabbed my little balls and squeezed hard as a reminder of who was boss. We had another quick drink and headed home. She dictated an email to me that was sent to her Halloween fling, in which she made me tell him how great his big cock felt in her mouth and how she needed more because her hubby was so dinky.
She then told me that I wasn't allowed to cum, but I could play iwth myself with her supervision for five minutes, and then with no mercy and a knowing chuckle, she locked me back in my CB-2000, knowing she was leaving the next day for New York.
As I write this, I am nearly panting waiting for her return tomrrow. My cock is hard and throbbing and I yearn to please her ....